To feel ‘ahhh, that’s better’. For a deep sense of relief and release.

Calendula flower essence helps you take a deep breath to the core, to feel ‘ahhh, that’s better’. It brings a deep sense of relief and release, expanding the lungs and relaxing the body with a sense of ‘ahhh’.

This is another flower I grew from seed as part of my new flower farming adventures. I had the experience of ‘ahhh, that’s better’ right from the first flower that bloomed.

This essence is for any situation where you want to feel the relief of ‘ahhh, that’s better’ e.g. for support on a healing journey, for relief from darkness/heaviness of any kind, even from the energy of others, this flower essence helps you return to the energy of your own light space.

I love this flower and the essence so much I have renamed it Calendulahhh!

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Flower Farm

30ml Stock Essence